2023.09.30: In connection with the annual Göteborg Book Fair, I will discuss skyscraper architecture and the city with the architect Gert Wingårdh and the architectural critic Annica Kvint. Read more here. |
2023.04.22: At the event Skissernas Night at the Museum of Artistic Process & Public Art in Lund, I will discuss the world of Sigurd Lewerentz together with the architectural historian Johan Örn. |
2023.02.26: I will be partaking in a panel discussion at the closing of the exhibtion Ground Floor by SECRETARY at SPARK Gallery in Malmö. |
2022.10.21: I will speak at a seminar for doctoral students about future careers, Lund University. |
2022.10.07: I will be speaking about architectural history research in connection with the opening of "Old but Gold", an exhibition at SPARK Gallery in Malmö, featuring work of students at DIS Scandinavia and U-67. |
2022.09.08: I will hold a lecture in the Urban Studies Master Programme at Malmö University on my book Malmhattanism. |
2022.06.15: I am part of a conference organizing team for the conference Beyond Smart Cities Today (Malmö, June 15–17 2022). |
2022.05.31: Invited speaker Movium/Sveriges arkitekter H22 Smart cities panel. More info here. |
2022.05.26: An article on smart city visibility that I have written has been published in City, Territory and Architecture (open access). |
2022.04.28: I will give a public lecture on Malmhattanism at the city library of Lund. Read more here. |
2022.03.22: I will present Malmhattanism at the High-rise Colloquium organised by Hélène Frichot and Helen Runting as a part of Melbourne Design Week 2022. Read more here.
2022.03.09: I will present my ongoing research into smart housing at the IUR Brown bag seminar on 9 March. Title: “The Many Reincarnations of Swedish Smart Housing (1980–2010)”.
2022.02.15: I will lecture on my book Malmhattanism in the Advanced Architectural Design Master's program at the Architecture school in Lund. |
2022.02.07: I will lecture on my book Malmhattanism at Malmö University within the framework in the program for Architecture and Visual Communication. |
2022.01.22: I have published a photo essay based on my current research on smart cities and smart housing in the latest issue of Urban Matters. "Expo 67 on Repeat" is available here. |
2022.01.09: After a brief hiatus of nine and half years, I've resuscitated my blog. You will find it at: waua.substack.com. |
23.07.2021: My book Malmhattanism will be released on July 23! If you read Swedish, there is more information available here.
08.06.2021: There is a short article by myself and Carina Listerborn on the subject of smart housing now published on the platform Urban Voices. Read the article here.
21.05.2021: I will present my upcoming book Malmhattanism at a 'snap colloquium' on High-rises and real estate in Melbourne organised by Helen Runting & Hélène Frichot.
23.02.2021: I will give a guest lecture about monuments in Berlin in a course at the Università
della Svizzera italiana at the Accademia di Architettura.
01.01.2021: I will take up a new position as postdoctoral researcher at Malmö University within the Institute of Urban Research. Read more about the project here. |